
Favorite Books

I'm bout to pull Ambra's post through Bizarro World and throw down some of my favorite books...and maybe some least-favorite records. (Now that will be interesting.) A Few Favorite Books (in no particular order)
  • Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston
  • Home Repairs - Trey Ellis
  • Envy Of The World - Ellis Cose
  • Only Twice I've Wished For Heaven - Dawn Turner Trice
  • You All Spoken Here - Roy Wilder, Jr.
Some Records That Don't Belong In My Collection umm...actually, I'm gonna hafta think about this one for a while. Being all MP3'd up, I added somewhat selectively so I don't hafta look at the wack records. It might take a couple weeks, but I'll add them intermittently.